Friday, December 18, 2009


Having technical difficulties with the blog-ometer

I really wish everyone just wrote letters now.

I don't care for TV or e-mail or other things that format what you do or watch or whatever for you.

it makes us dumber.

It's made me dumber than I should be because I've spent a lot of my life TVing, texting, blogging, surfing (the Webernet), and not enough time doing things that matter

like reading.

so I'll whine about it here.

in an evil blog.

So all none of you can uncare.

wooooo hooooo.

I would like to be more like Elvis Costello and e. e. cummings....

except for cummings's whole "have an affair with your best friend's wife (an father a child whom you refuse to legally claim, later adopt, and eventually lose in a subsequent divorce, resulting in that child not knowing who her real father is until her 20s) only find that it's okay because he's gay and everyone involved is too rich and morally inept for it to even matter" thing.

But I think Costello has cool glasses........ and guitars.

and he's the last person on Earth too afraid to write a queer pop song and make it rock too hard for radio.

And he's friends with David Letterman,

I mean, come one....... it's Letterman.

I once saw Billy Gibbons's business card (as if ZZ Top's guitarist needs one).
on one side it read: "Billy Gibbons / Guitar"
and on the other: "A friend of Eric Clapton"

It was the most honest and awesome thing I've ever seen.

And I've seen my 13-month-old daughter cry beatle-mania style at the sight of a Barney episode.

Beat either one of those and I'll give you two gold stars.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

16 candles

i just went to chicago lat weekend.

did you know the guy that made "16 candles" and "the breakfast club" and all those 80's awesome movies was from chicago........... andhe died...... i don't know if he died recently...... in fact, i'm not even certain that he died...

it's very possible i jsut made that up....

but i'm not gonna go research for you guys right now......... maybe later... or i'm sure someone will comment and be like "no, caleb..... mr. blahblah is still alive and is growing a cherry orchard in the south of washington state now with his wife, 7 persian cats and 0 persian rugs...." or something....

i don't really care....

i mean, i DID care when i found out he was from chicago while i was in chicago, and when i found out whatever other information (death, life, whatever) i discovered while there.......

but now?.........
........ notsomuch......

so i'm 23 today.

that's exciting, right?

the most exciting birthday i ever had was my 10th; "i now have 2 whole digits in my age."
i doubt i knew what "digits" were at age 10.....
idunno, maybe i did....... is that normal for kids (look around... look around...... noone's around me.... feel weird for looking around........ feel weird for typing this..........)
the second most exciting was 13. i thought ot myself, "i am now allowed to gripe and behave like a 4-year-old due to my initiation into teenage-dom."

but 23 is just a couple years since legal drinking and a couple years to an auto insurance break.

so all week i've been forgetting.

ashton has been reminding me.

and it's not because i "don't like getting old" or whatever. i don't feel like i've "lost my youth" or "missed out on stuff" or "haven't lived up to my expectations"....


i've already done all that.

and the worrying just makes me older quicker.

so i try not to do it so much anymore.

i'd rather watch olivia (10 mo. old daughter) play with stuff.

right now she's playing with ashton's keys.

she ls like $500 in baby/toddler toys, and she always plays with keys and empty water bottles...
so i'm never buying her anything.

when she wants a new car, i'll just buy her a box of water bottles, drink them all in front of her and tell her to have a go.


mentally and emotionally torturing your teenage kids must be, like, the most gratifying experience of any parent's life.



that's funny.

i just made an "A" in a parenting class this summer at Tarleton (upper-level elective)

i kept most of my thoughts to myself during class......

Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" in blaring in my living room iPod player thingy right now....

that doesn't really hold any significance in this web-versation other than i couldn't think of anything else worth saying.....

come on, i'm 23 now...... i'm practically 45.....

married, kid, bad knees, trick back........

..... sounds like 45 to me....

i'm gonna go eat something soft.....


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

bus time

I'm riding on the 80 Proof Band bus on the way to Kansas again while watching the Rangers game (yes, Pudge is back.... my life has come full circle), and debating whether or not I want to stumble across this massive, moving monstrosity to make a PB&J sandwich, inevitably risking a self-shiving with the plastic utensil I would use to spread my previously-noted two-thirds of the delicious ingredients.

Is that how to spell "shiving?"

as in, "to shiv?'.........

I've only been in pretend jail as part of a class project in jr. high, so I don't know that I've ever heard the violent verb used in conversation, much less seen it in writing....

I could go use spell-check, or google it..... but how else would I take up that previous 3 inches of space?

I'm not about to delete it all and write something else worth my writing and worth your reading...


pish posh...

Wouldn't that be great if Posh Spice and Mr. "Bend It Like" Beckham-Spice (forgot his first name..... and agaia, I could google it, but lookey there: that's like 1/2 an inch of interweb space...) had a little girl and named her "Pish," setting her up to be referred to in the future as 'Pish-Posh Spice?"......

Are they even still together?..... Posh and dream-boat soccer-brit?

If so, do they have a kid??? 

This is a stupid conversation with myself....

I'm fighting myself inside over whether or not to post this rambling.............................. obviously the pro-posting side won if you have become a spectator to this event....

So, Kansas..... here we come again...

Last time I played at this place we're going to was the first gig I played with 80 Proof...

It's been a couple of months, and I almost play all the songs right...


I should practice.

but alas...... that PB&J is calling......

and DaWayne is wanting to start on our screenplay...

DaWayne's the drummer...
He's from Louisiana...
He used  fight alligators for territorial rights in his "hood"

He lost...

so now he plays drums.....

and the alligators live in his childhood home and wear his childhood morning-robe-and-slippers, all as a human masquerade, in part to further feed their relentless, selfish carousel of ambivalent greed and corruption, a sort of self-loathing disease driving them to become a part of the most successful drug racket in all of the Creole State.


I'll go make a sandwich now.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

this is what a blog looks like...

So this is what a blog looks like on an actual blog-o-sphere Web site...


I've been writing stuff on other sites like Facebook and Myspace..

Well, not too recently on Myspace because I forgot my password, dabbled with some guesses, got the boot, then was told to check my e-mail for my new password, but since I haven't used that e-mail since 7th grade I couldn't access it because it no longer exists, so on Myspace I am still an aspiring Chippendale's dancer who pays my bills with Freebirds (world famous burritos) income......


...been a while...

Anyway, so I thought I'd trade in those sites for a place dedicated solely to the wonderful world of typographical errors and uncomfortable, unnecessary, incessant ramblings of pre-teens and guys like me who have nothing better to do....

... I actually have oodles of things that would be better to do, but they all involve me walking somewhere other than this awesomely comfortable chair in the Tarleton State University Media Relations office.......

I say it's awesome because I've never had one such as it.

Makes me feel happy.

and it makes me sit on the edge as though I'm writing something important......

..............not something like a maiden-voyage of a blogalogga...

or maybe this is important............ Girl Scout cookies are important, and they're just stale cookies purchased from a little girl in a felt dress so she can get some "stinking badges."

Well I will from here on out treat this floggablogga with the same respect a young girl gives her girl scout cookie-sales..

I want my blog-patch.

"We (do) need (some) stinking badges!"


I watch a lot of Craig Ferguson...

Makes me wanna be a dirty old Scotchman with too much acid in my system from the 80's...

But i can't be that.... I'll never be that...

I was only a part of the 80's for like 3 1/2 years......

and I'm not even Scottish, no matter how much acid you pump into my circulatory system and how many games of golf I get drunk at and embarrass my kids, or how many telephone poles I throw any particular number of ridiculous feet (or meters....)

Can't be it.....

I CAN be the guy that writes some blogs though....

I can throw me some b-logs a fair amount of feet and/or meters into this mystery-land called the inter-Web....



watch out for those b-logs.......

...might getcha one in the noggin.

I should go back to work.
