Thursday, September 3, 2009

16 candles

i just went to chicago lat weekend.

did you know the guy that made "16 candles" and "the breakfast club" and all those 80's awesome movies was from chicago........... andhe died...... i don't know if he died recently...... in fact, i'm not even certain that he died...

it's very possible i jsut made that up....

but i'm not gonna go research for you guys right now......... maybe later... or i'm sure someone will comment and be like "no, caleb..... mr. blahblah is still alive and is growing a cherry orchard in the south of washington state now with his wife, 7 persian cats and 0 persian rugs...." or something....

i don't really care....

i mean, i DID care when i found out he was from chicago while i was in chicago, and when i found out whatever other information (death, life, whatever) i discovered while there.......

but now?.........
........ notsomuch......

so i'm 23 today.

that's exciting, right?

the most exciting birthday i ever had was my 10th; "i now have 2 whole digits in my age."
i doubt i knew what "digits" were at age 10.....
idunno, maybe i did....... is that normal for kids (look around... look around...... noone's around me.... feel weird for looking around........ feel weird for typing this..........)
the second most exciting was 13. i thought ot myself, "i am now allowed to gripe and behave like a 4-year-old due to my initiation into teenage-dom."

but 23 is just a couple years since legal drinking and a couple years to an auto insurance break.

so all week i've been forgetting.

ashton has been reminding me.

and it's not because i "don't like getting old" or whatever. i don't feel like i've "lost my youth" or "missed out on stuff" or "haven't lived up to my expectations"....


i've already done all that.

and the worrying just makes me older quicker.

so i try not to do it so much anymore.

i'd rather watch olivia (10 mo. old daughter) play with stuff.

right now she's playing with ashton's keys.

she ls like $500 in baby/toddler toys, and she always plays with keys and empty water bottles...
so i'm never buying her anything.

when she wants a new car, i'll just buy her a box of water bottles, drink them all in front of her and tell her to have a go.


mentally and emotionally torturing your teenage kids must be, like, the most gratifying experience of any parent's life.



that's funny.

i just made an "A" in a parenting class this summer at Tarleton (upper-level elective)

i kept most of my thoughts to myself during class......

Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" in blaring in my living room iPod player thingy right now....

that doesn't really hold any significance in this web-versation other than i couldn't think of anything else worth saying.....

come on, i'm 23 now...... i'm practically 45.....

married, kid, bad knees, trick back........

..... sounds like 45 to me....

i'm gonna go eat something soft.....


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