Wednesday, August 12, 2009

this is what a blog looks like...

So this is what a blog looks like on an actual blog-o-sphere Web site...


I've been writing stuff on other sites like Facebook and Myspace..

Well, not too recently on Myspace because I forgot my password, dabbled with some guesses, got the boot, then was told to check my e-mail for my new password, but since I haven't used that e-mail since 7th grade I couldn't access it because it no longer exists, so on Myspace I am still an aspiring Chippendale's dancer who pays my bills with Freebirds (world famous burritos) income......


...been a while...

Anyway, so I thought I'd trade in those sites for a place dedicated solely to the wonderful world of typographical errors and uncomfortable, unnecessary, incessant ramblings of pre-teens and guys like me who have nothing better to do....

... I actually have oodles of things that would be better to do, but they all involve me walking somewhere other than this awesomely comfortable chair in the Tarleton State University Media Relations office.......

I say it's awesome because I've never had one such as it.

Makes me feel happy.

and it makes me sit on the edge as though I'm writing something important......

..............not something like a maiden-voyage of a blogalogga...

or maybe this is important............ Girl Scout cookies are important, and they're just stale cookies purchased from a little girl in a felt dress so she can get some "stinking badges."

Well I will from here on out treat this floggablogga with the same respect a young girl gives her girl scout cookie-sales..

I want my blog-patch.

"We (do) need (some) stinking badges!"


I watch a lot of Craig Ferguson...

Makes me wanna be a dirty old Scotchman with too much acid in my system from the 80's...

But i can't be that.... I'll never be that...

I was only a part of the 80's for like 3 1/2 years......

and I'm not even Scottish, no matter how much acid you pump into my circulatory system and how many games of golf I get drunk at and embarrass my kids, or how many telephone poles I throw any particular number of ridiculous feet (or meters....)

Can't be it.....

I CAN be the guy that writes some blogs though....

I can throw me some b-logs a fair amount of feet and/or meters into this mystery-land called the inter-Web....



watch out for those b-logs.......

...might getcha one in the noggin.

I should go back to work.


1 comment:

  1. Caleb--you are part Scottish. More Irish, a bit English, a smattering of German, but to be sure, a bit Scottish. Not as much as Colin, but more than Michael Jackson. It comes from both sides of your Hooper granparents, Sid and Bert, through their mothers, Cora Mae and Vernie Mae (and now Olivia Mae--weird, huh). So throw your telephone poles with pride, and remember that golf is in your blood! Oh yeah--you are a Thompson, through and through--that accounts for something Scottish as well!
