Monday, August 22, 2011

just the punter.

I just came "home" (my uncle's house in Franklin, TN) from "work" (landscaping/slave labor with my 2nd cousin), and I found myself, once again, perusing facebook, twitter and various friends' blogs. Somewhere between pseudo-homoerotic balk-talking with a good buddy (and great drummer and swooning over the world's greatest neighbors in Stephenville, TX's blog (, I figured I should bother both of you here with some ramblings...

I've been gigging around Nashville with my dad's '69 P-bass with lots of incredible musicians. I'd like to do this more, and I think I will... I hope I will...... Seeing as how I just got off the phone with some artist management reps from Music Row, I'm at least heading in the direction of more gigs (which may lead to musical shafting with no pay and multiple freebirding, but, as I have been wisely told by the old man, "a gig is a gig is a gig...). The real point (and main success of the last few months) is that I've learned a lot about my musicality -- what I have and (more importantly/abundantly) what I lack. I now now where I'm headed... but you now what they say...

"Good and bad, I define these terms
Quite clear, no doubt, somehow
Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now"

by "they" I of course mean uncle Bob....

He should probably be referred to in the 3rd-person pronoun exclusively in the "Royal We."

I'm almost sure that's correct... Dr. Tanter: please read that and correct me... Mowing too much grass and playing too many Hank Williams Jr. songs to remember my grammar too well...

On a much bigger note, I still love my wife and kids as though I had polio and they are whatever gave my dad that nickel-sezed dent on his upper-arm.

Norah, 6 months, is turning into a person.
It's weird.
She can crawl about 2 feet without screaming in frustraton (and lingering hunger, since she probably ate like 40 minutes ago, which is way too long for her between meals, it seems).

Oivia is a person now... nolo contesto...

She has a very defined and refined sense of humor... most of which revolves around toots and calling things silly...
She makes me laugh like nobody else has ever succeeded.
She also hasn't laid a brown nugget in her big-girl panties in about 2 months...
...which is awesome.
...probably the most awesome thing any parent can hear learn of their child...

Ashton is the man.
She's teaching elementary special-ed to some of the most deserving (and now lucky) kids in Metro Nashville.
I don't know how she does half the things she does in a day.

.... and she's still smokin hot...

We're buying a house, too. Some sucker in Knoxville has approved us for a mortgage.

So we've got that goin' for us....

... I'm still waiting for the Dalai Lama to tell me that on my deathbed I will receive total consciousness.... then all will be righted... I suppose.

Very good friends of mine are engaged or recently married... None of them will read this... I don't find them the bloggy-type.

They're all great people, and I wish them the best, but unfortunately the other 3/4 of their families will never be as good as mine.

This is what it feels like to be the back-up punter on a state-championship team; and it is awesome.

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