Thursday, January 27, 2011

babies and u-hauls and cash, oh my....

So I'm moving to Tennessee in a month's time, and I'm taking my wife, 2-year-old daughter, and will-be-2(ish)-week-old daughter with me.
This, so I've come to figure, is my attempt at being a professional musician. Seven years of playing 3-minute-long juke-joint tunes to drunk, unloved second-uncles and vomiting, in-heat college kids has given me enough of a basis upon which to build a career to feed my family; at least that's what I'm telling myself - but it just doesn't sound or look as pretty when it's coming out of my mouth or the three fingers on each hand that know how to type.
I've sent a few resumes out to people in Nashville in half-hearted hopes of gaining employment with a publishing company, newspaper, magazine, non-profit, or any other company who giggles every time they see a English B.A.-er  trying to thesaurus-force his flowery-prose-riddled resume and cover letter into something that says "Even though my 24 years have obviously not produced a single idea  a to which direction I want to take my money-earning life, I have suddenly decided that I have more employee-like qualities that I'm sure you would like to see put in action at your company...."
But anyone with half a brain and a sense of humor could read what I send out and see that I know much more about why e. e. cummings doesn't spell his name "E. E. Cummings" than anything relevant.

What they don't know (though some in Nashville probably do), is that I just want to play bass. I want to move to a city where music is played and recorded by thousands of people every day, and I want to somehow wedge myself into that mix so I can become a better play and a legitimate musician. I don't want your niece to have my poster on her wall.... I don't want YOU to have poster on your wall. I just want to have my phone number in enough drummers' and producers' phones that I can get a few calls every week to come in for a session or show up for bus-call, and I want to play every song perfectly, just as they expect it. I have zero intentions of being the next Victor Wooten or playing in a Weather Report cover band. I just want to be the guy that plays the root, and plays it nice and good-like.

But this whole situation gives me anxiety (which is weird for a guy who doesn't really worry about anything except which side of the sink dirty dishes are put "in the hole" for hand washing's "on deck" to be then placed in the batter's box of a disinfecting dishwasher....).
Plain and simple, I don't want to be a loser. There are thousands and thousands of losers out there who are just like me; they have no band, no waiting list of studios/musicians/gigs piling up in their voicemails, minimal studio experience, lots of crappy bar experience, lots of pictures with them in long hair, and really nice bass equipment. To make things more interesting, I have an awesome wife who completely supports me, and she knows exactly what she wants and will soon land an awesome job in Nashville. I also have the (almost) 2 kids that need things like food, and clothes, and a dad who is home to read them books that he didn't have to steal....

There is a very fine line between a musician and a guy who doesn't want to work a "real job."
So.... if any of you know anyone who lives in Nashville and needs a bass player, or someone with an English degree, let me know..... I will oblige them..........

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