Friday, December 18, 2009


Having technical difficulties with the blog-ometer

I really wish everyone just wrote letters now.

I don't care for TV or e-mail or other things that format what you do or watch or whatever for you.

it makes us dumber.

It's made me dumber than I should be because I've spent a lot of my life TVing, texting, blogging, surfing (the Webernet), and not enough time doing things that matter

like reading.

so I'll whine about it here.

in an evil blog.

So all none of you can uncare.

wooooo hooooo.

I would like to be more like Elvis Costello and e. e. cummings....

except for cummings's whole "have an affair with your best friend's wife (an father a child whom you refuse to legally claim, later adopt, and eventually lose in a subsequent divorce, resulting in that child not knowing who her real father is until her 20s) only find that it's okay because he's gay and everyone involved is too rich and morally inept for it to even matter" thing.

But I think Costello has cool glasses........ and guitars.

and he's the last person on Earth too afraid to write a queer pop song and make it rock too hard for radio.

And he's friends with David Letterman,

I mean, come one....... it's Letterman.

I once saw Billy Gibbons's business card (as if ZZ Top's guitarist needs one).
on one side it read: "Billy Gibbons / Guitar"
and on the other: "A friend of Eric Clapton"

It was the most honest and awesome thing I've ever seen.

And I've seen my 13-month-old daughter cry beatle-mania style at the sight of a Barney episode.

Beat either one of those and I'll give you two gold stars.